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The Heart of Shadows
Friday, 01 December 2006
Wow! Can you believe it? I finally found something on a Cleric worth stealing! Though naturally I had to edit a few pages of their rambling doggerel and dogma. Seriously, who would want to read that boring holier-then-thou trash, not to mention the page after page of prayers? But I must admit, some of the illuminations were nice, naturaly I carefully removed them, they might very well be worth something.

BuT I am now happy to admit that after my carefull prunning I know have a journal worth writting in, someplace to have a whinge and a good rant and rave.

Oh Aye! I'm going to have fun with this!

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 02:46 »»» - Link - comments (5)